Are You Sufferring From Knee Joint Pain ?

The Knee Joint is the Largest Hinge Joint in the body which allows one to Sit, Squat, Jump, or Walk
Types of Knee Joint Pain
1. Acute knee pain can happen because of infection or a sudden injury.
2. Chronic knee pain is often from injuries or inflammation (such as arthritis)
Body Weight And Knee Pain
- The most significant impact of obesity on the musculoskeletal system is associated with osteoarthritis (OA), a disabling degenerative joint disorder characterized by pain, decreased mobility, and a negative impact on quality of life
- Currently, Nearly 1 in 10 of the Population is Affected, and the Prevalence Increases With Age.
- A 5-Unit Increase in Body Mass Index (BMI) Is Associated with a 35 Percent Increased Risk of Knee OA and an 11 Percent Increased Risk of Hip OA.
- BMI and Knee OA to be Significantly Stronger in Women than Men
How To Prevent Knee Pain And Joint Degeneration?
1. To Turn Towards Healthy Lifestyle,
2. To Start Reducing Body Weight,
3. To Participate In Strengthening and Neuro Muscular Exercise Programs,
Some Knee Strengthening Exercises: